Wherever you are today,
it's OK.
If you're working through disappointment,
it's OK.
If you’re confused,
it's OK.
If what you hoped for and worked for didn't manifest,
it's OK.
If you're feeling a little fragile because of that,
it's OK.
Because you know what?
Tomorrow is another day.
In every experience we have,
in any opportunity we grasp,
in every time we attempt something new,
in every time we fail,
We grow.
We learn something.
We become stronger.
We become better.
We become more informed.
We find things out about ourselves we never knew.
And we find things out about other people we never knew.
There is information,
and learning,
and inspiration,
in every experience,
no matter how painful.
That doesn't mean that in the moment it doesn’t sting….
It does.
Then we have the moments.
We reflect,
we hunker down,
we self soothe,
we grieve.
Then we come out again.. …
more enthusiastic,
more inspired,
more motivated,
and even more amazing.
Wherever you are today,
it's OK.
Because we get to live and learn another day.
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© Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy 2023. All Rights Reserved.