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Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 - Take the Challenge

Writer: Patricia EzechiePatricia Ezechie

Updated: Dec 24, 2023

Mental Health Awareness Week - Patricia Ezechie Coaching

Mental Health Awareness Week 2019 begins today and for the next 7 days across this UK wide initiative, we are all being encouraged to focus on and raise the awareness of mental health and mental health issues, and take action to promote the message of good mental health for all of us.

So for the next 7 days I will be running a wellbeing challenge every day encouraging each of you to take just 15 minutes each day to focus on yourself - to reduce your stress, take better care of yourself and improve your overall wellbeing.

For this week focus on you, your mental health and empowering others to talk about, focus on and raise awareness of something that affects all of us. And to help you do this you can join me for the Realanced You Wellbeing challenge here and make this week ALL ABOUT TAKING CARE OF YOU ❤️

With nearly 90% of adults in the UK estimated to be under hydrated and the effects of not drinking enough water ranging from poor energy, loss of concentration and headaches to depression and anxiety, staying hydrated by just drinking a little more is something we can all today with very little extra effort.

So take today’s Mental Health Awareness Week Challenge is

- Drink 500ml more water today.

Simple and infinitely doable!

If you want to do even more and really help spread the word, here are some tips and ideas for what you can do this Mental Health Awareness Week to increase awareness in your organisation and for yourself.

Have a fantastic Monday and here's to better mental and emotional health for us all!

Find more free resources to support your mental health and career here

© Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy 2019. All Rights Reserved.


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