A prerequisite of good mental health is good overall health and wellbeing - good nutrition and hydration, enough quality sleep, happy connected relationships, space to rest and recuperate, time to relax. These basic elements are the foundations of good overall health and wellbeing and are something we each have influence and control over for ourselves. By taking the time to ensure these basic elements are a priority in our day to day lives, we contribute immeasurably to our own good and sustainable mental health.
However, we are living in a society where the culture of busyness, being always available and in demand have become a badge of honour - often at the expense of our own health and wellbeing. It’s time to end this.
So as we enter the last day of Mental Health awareness week the challenge for today is–
Keep yourself, and your mental, emotional and physical health a priority.
Continue to help end the stigma around mental health by redoubling your commitment to talk about it, and sharing your experiences, But more importantly, do what you can and encourage everyone you have these conversations with to do their part, by making their own overall health and wellbeing a priority in their daily lives.
For support on how to reclaim your life and making yourself a priority click here
You can also find more free resources to support you in your career and wellbeing here
Here’s to better, continued and sustained mental health for all of us!
© Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy 2019. All Rights Reserved.