Those of you who read my posts know how much I love walking on the beach. It is my joy, my solace, my peace, my space. It was particularly beautiful today. As I walked all I could think about was George Floyd. George Floyd will never walk on a beach again. George Floyd will never see his family again. George Floyd's life ended on a street struggling for his breath because of hatred, cruelty and because he was black. It hurts me to even think about this. In my world, in my little bubble, I can move through my life without fear. I am not always wondering whether some random person with a misguided sense of superiority, privilege, power, insanity is going to think they are different, better or have a greater right to be on this earth than I have, and as such can just take my life without fear of judgement or retribution. But that is the world and the reality of George Floyd and so many black men and women in America. I once said to an acquaintance of mine that the one thing I could not abide was cruelty. She got very annoyed and said "Everybody cant abide cruelty" I looked at her then and I am repeating the same thing now....REALLY? Why am I writing this this morning? Because my morning has been blessed, but in that serenity I remember and continue to remember you George Floyd, and the thousands that have had their lives stolen before you, and the many more I fear will come after you. I stand with everyone in our collective rage, pain and sadness at this continued injustice and say - NO MORE GEORGE FLOYDS! If all I can do is write this then at least I feel like I am doing something. RIP George Floyd and to everyone whose lives have been stolen before you.
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