I like being me.
In fact I think I am pretty amazing .... warts and all.
I haven't always felt that way.
It took a lot of work.
Sadly many of the problems we face as women are due to not enough of us liking ourselves.
We focus on all the things we think are wrong.
We constantly compare ourselves to others and find ourselves lacking.
We measure ourselves against standards that are not only unattainable, but often ridiculous.... with no real idea of who set them.
We look for validation and approval from others, and when not received question ourselves and the value we bring.
Just for a minute, visualise what your life would be like if you liked being you?
What would your life be like if you really believed you were enough, or dare I say amazing?
Who would you be?
What extraordinary things could you share with the world?
It's time to start the journey of liking you, and that journey begins with taking some time to get to know yourself.
The relationship you have with YOU is the greatest relationship you will ever have.
It will transform you and transform the world.
Start that journey of self-awareness and self-acceptance today,
because the world needs the you who really owns being you .....
The amazing you.... warts and all.
Find more resources to support you in building your confidence and thriving in your career here
© Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy 2021. All Rights Reserved.