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Time to change career?

Writer: Patricia EzechiePatricia Ezechie

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

While having my customary 15 minutes check in at the start my day where I usually review my plans for the day ahead, I began to muse about how all the gazillions of people out there were feeling right now as they first opened their eyes on a Monday morning.

Were they like me excited about the day ahead and their job / work / projects they were working on,


the opposite – depressed, sad, demotivated and miserable at the thought of the day ahead?

Were they ‘Leapers’ – jumping out of bed excited that it’s Monday morning and motivated to get on with the day’s work


were they ‘Groaners’ - eyes open, thought ....'Oh god it’s Monday and I must go to that place again'

heart sinks…

turn over

pull duvet over head.

And it made me chuckle.

Not the idea of all the people feeling depressed they had to go to a job they hated today, but at the idea of me leaping out of bed! Yes I love what I do… really love it, but I don’t think I can remember a time in the last 12 years when I have leapt out of bed – but that’s a discussion for another day!

Anyway, back to ‘Leapers and Groaners’ – it’s Monday afternoon now and hopefully you have recovered from the shock of it being Monday again so soon. Cast your mind back to the first moments of your day .. when you blinked your eyes open and realised it was MONDAY…

Which were you a

‘Leaper’ (love or at least like what I do)

or a ‘Groaner’ (time to change career!) ?

I would love to know which and why, so jump on to the ‘Creating the Career you Want for the Life You Want’ Facebook Group, introduce yourself and share which you are and why.

This is a brand new Private and confidential Facebook group I have created for us where I will be sharing with you tips, tool, know how and anything else I think you will find useful to help you all find, build or create work and careers you will love, and where I hope you can share with me and our community of like-minded individuals what 's going for you and what's on your mind.

See you all on our new community page and I look forward to getting to know all of you much better over the next few months.

Have a fantastic week.

© Patricia Ezechie Coaching and Consultancy 2017. All Rights Reserved.

If you are interested in a more empowered approach to your career and career development or I would love to hear from you.

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